Tuesday, November 10, 2015

WATCH: Wayne Rooney slaps WWE wrestler Wade Barrett

Video: Man United's Rooney actually floored a professional wrestler at WWE

Go on Wayne! (Picture: WWE)
Last time Wayne Rooney was involved in a fight, he ended up on the floor of his kitchen.
But things seem to have gone better for the Manchester United captain this time around – after he landed one on WWE star Wade Barrett at a WWE Raw event in Manchester.
Nine months ago, Barrett called Rooney out for diving, and the wrestler went for the England skipper again on Monday evening by saying he didn’t want to embarrass him in front of his son – before adding that Rooney does that himself every time he steps on the pitch.
The pair could then be seen discussing something at the side of the ring, before Rooney landed a clean slap on Barrett.
It’s difficult to tell if this is staged or not, but given that WWE is definitely, 100% real, we’re guessing Rooney meant it…
Got a mean swing on him too…